Saturday, March 6, 2010

MoNsTeR - TrUcK - MaDnEsS!!

Our lil Wy guy is officially 8 MONTHS OLD!!

To celebrate, we went to the store and purchased a MoNsTeR TrUcK. He L-O-V-E-S this thing!

You don't have to take my word for it...he'll show you himself!! Take a look!

It's moments like this that I can't get enough of him! I love it!

**The look he gives me at the end when he realizes that I've been recording him...Priceless.**


Matthews said...

Wow! Who ever knew that those wheels could be so funny. He has such a cute laugh. I love that end how he gets all nervous and starts sucking his thumb. What a cutie!

Kristie Norman said...

I swear he really is the cutest baby ever! He has the funniest little giggle! Ahh...the joys of parenthood. The good far outweighs the bad :) You guys did good!