The consultation went well and the doc said he'd schedule our little man for surgery that same week for an inguinal hernia repair and the big "C". He told us that we couldn't feed him after midnight and that he could have pedialite up until 2am (his surgery was scheduled for 5:45am).
It should be a crime to ask new parents to be anywhere that EARLY in the morning! Steve and I were zombies the entire night taking turns getting some shut eye and waking Wyatt for his final feeding. He generally eats every 3 hours (except for the few and far between times when he forgets who he is and slumbers a whopping 4 hours). So needless to say it was nerve wracking...we looked at Wyatt like he was a ticking time bomb. We knew that at any moment he'd realize we were starving him and allowing someone to cut him open, and nip a piece of his lil wee wee off.
Miraculously, he did really REALLY well. He calmly sucked his soothie while Steve and I took turns cuddling and rocking him (we were stunned to find that since his last checkup, AND THE 6+HRS OF NO FOOD...cuz we all know surgeries never start on time...he gained another 1/2 LB! Yep, our little 2 month old is the size of a near 4 month old!! And ooowee is he heavy!!).
It should be a crime to ask new parents to be anywhere that EARLY in the morning! Steve and I were zombies the entire night taking turns getting some shut eye and waking Wyatt for his final feeding. He generally eats every 3 hours (except for the few and far between times when he forgets who he is and slumbers a whopping 4 hours). So needless to say it was nerve wracking...we looked at Wyatt like he was a ticking time bomb. We knew that at any moment he'd realize we were starving him and allowing someone to cut him open, and nip a piece of his lil wee wee off.
Miraculously, he did really REALLY well. He calmly sucked his soothie while Steve and I took turns cuddling and rocking him (we were stunned to find that since his last checkup, AND THE 6+HRS OF NO FOOD...cuz we all know surgeries never start on time...he gained another 1/2 LB! Yep, our little 2 month old is the size of a near 4 month old!! And ooowee is he heavy!!).
The surgery lasted about an hour and they then called us back to be with him while he was coming out of anesthisia. The moment I saw him, I swear my heart broke into a million pieces. I've never heard him cry like that. I held him like a little china doll, so careful not to bump or move him. All the tubes and monitors hooked up to him were a little intimidating and it made my efforts of consoling him ineffective. They ended up giving him a double dose of Demerol which knocked him out for a few hours.
I've never seen a circumcision done with a Plastibell and from what I've read, it's pretty old school as the procedure takes longer to complete and longer to heal. I found a video online (which I'll spare you was pretty darn grusome).
Wikipedia says:
The Plastibell Circumcision Device is a clear plastic ring with handle designed for male neonatal circumcision that has a deep groove running circumferentially.
he adhesions between glans and foreskin are divided with a probe. Then the foreskin is cut longitudinally to allow it to be retracted and the glans (the head of penis) to be exposed. The Plastibell comes in 6 sizes. The appropriate one is chosen and applied to the head. The ring is then covered over by the foreskin. A ligature is tied firmly around the foreskin, crushing the skin against the groove in the Plastibell. Then the excess skin protruding beyond the ring is trimmed off. Finally, the handle is broken off at the end of the procedure. The entire procedure takes five to ten minutes, depending on the experience and skill of the surgeon.
The ring falls off in 3 to 7 days leaving a circumferential wound that will heal over the following week. Typically, the glans will appear red or yellow until it has cornified.
Shown below: Two incisions where the inguinal hernias where repaired and the Plastibell is around his wee
Shown below: Two incisions where the inguinal hernias where repaired and the Plastibell is around his wee
Yes, I just posted my sons family jewels on the internet...I warned you!!
I dare say that if, IF, we have any more boys, I will do whatever I can to avoid this procedure. Why? Well, last night I got up with Wyatt to feed. I did the usual ritual, changed his diaper, fed him his bottle, then proceeded to burp him. He tends to get a bit fussy when he can't get a burp out, so I usually stand and bounce while I pat his back. Well, apparently his diaper shifted when I did this and the ointment that was protecting it wasn't as thick due to the shift. The dry part of the diaper ripped the Plastibell almost completely off and Wyatt screamed so hard that his entire body turned purple!! I laid him down to check his diaper (it had been a week since the surgery and circumcision) and found the Plastibell dangling by about a 1/4" of skin...STILL CONNECTED! His poor little wee was bleeding and I was completely beside myself.
We called the surgeon and he advised that we should soak him in a bath and put another diaper on...that it would fall off by the end of the following day. Well, it's almost 9 pm and that piece of skin is hanging on for dear life!! Wyatt is now totally gun shy of diaper changes...seriously don't blame him.
I am so sorry to read what your little boy has been through! However, I do want to commend you for being brave enough to talk about it, and seriously question the circumcision. I am so glad to hear that if you have another boy, you will not have him circumcised. Best wishes to you.
oh man what an ordeal! Just so you know for future boys when you get them Circ. have them use a Gomco. It is quick easy and hardly any bleeding. It is also 99% of a perfect circ. I watched Hunters circ and he did not even cry! Great technique. I am glad to see you survived all of this. He is such a cutie! I am loving those rolls he has going.
I have to disagree with Grantham, there are infants who have undergone just as traumatic experiences from the Gomco method.
The truth is, this procedure is NOT medically indicated. The foreskin is healthy tissue, so ultimately, there really is no such thing as a 'perfect' circumcision.
I hope you will decide against circumcision in the future, and let yourself off the hook for how things have turned out this time - you didn't know what you were signing him up for!
Oh my heart goes out to all three of you! I am glad baby is gaining weight, pooing, and will eventually heal. Hang in there ... you all! P.S. circumcision does help in the hygiene later!
That is so hard to see the little guys go through. At least it's over in a few days, normally.
When we had our son, my hubby didn't want to have it done but when I talked to the doctor and found out all the problems it can help with if they are in a situation where personal hygiene is difficult, I really leaned towards it. When I found out that there is a significantly higher rate of cervical cancer among those married to noncircumsized men, poor little guy was a goner. His wife thanked me for thinking of her ;-)
Poor little guy. Your family has been through a lot. I hope it all calms down now and Wyatt mends well and is healthy. He sure is cute!!
Poor kid, I hope he is doing better and that your and Steve are surviving. Wyatt is so dang cute!
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